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The Seer Book Release: Historical fantasy, Druid, magic

Last updated on January 14, 2020

Book release – The Seer
Publication date: Jan 27 2017

Just a warning to anyone who read Blood Runner, this book release? It’s very different from my first book. Not a vampire in sight.

standing stonesThe Seer is a pure historical fantasy set in the fourth century AD in a fictional realm of Britain. By the time I was done, it may have even leaked over into high sword fantasy territory a fraction. This fantasy book release is the story of a Druid, a man, who despite being a grown-up and counted on to be wise by others, is still discovering his purpose in the world. I think that’s a common journey really and most of us have been there or still are.

This one is steeped in Irish mythological constructs, so if you’re into that, you might enjoy The Seer more than you would have Blood Runner. I get a big kick out of mythological archetypes and parables myself, and tend to draw on them for what I prefer to write while I amuse myself. I also enjoy challenging myself to write in the style of the age or the setting, even when it’s subtle. I took that on here, so this one’s written in formal language with castlethe undertone and rhythm of Shakespearean English. It’s more concept choices in that area than anything else, though some of the language does creep in for flavour. There’s fancy court speak for nobles complete with the royal “We”, but much less intense when the regular folk are speaking with each other.

Not gonna lie, due to all that it’s a more challenging read. Like I said, I wrote it to amuse myself and since I find that a fun time, that’s how it came out. You’ll be happy to know, though, I did tear the whole thing apart several times to pull it back from being too far over the line. It’s one of my personal favourite stories, so wanted to ensure I could share it with a greater number of people who would also appreciate it. You know, without coming off like an intellectual snob, which I’m not. I really just enjoy playing with language.

knights- fantasy book release - The SeerWritten as a fairy tale, there are castles and kings and a kingdom in trouble and knights in brotherhood and sword fighting and all that other good stuff. I’ve always loved stories along the lines of The Crystal Cave by Mary Stewart or Tolkien’s The Hobbit and hoped to create something to honour those influences. You might find the rhythm and flavour of The Seer of a similar persuasion.

So I’m told, it made a few beta readers cry prior to the official book release (thankfully not due to my horrid mangling of Shakespearean language) and feedback was positive.

Content warning: The story contains some non-gory (at least, I think so) sword fighting, but there is one violent adult situation and reference to a couple others, so I wouldn’t recommend this one for younger readers.

The Seer is available at Amazon

Also available at: Apple Books, Kobo, Barnes and Noble, Indigo and select online retailersThe Seer - available from these stores

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  1. I’ve read this book! it was just amazing!

    • Thanks for giving it a read. I’m so glad you enjoyed it! 😀

  2. sai sai

    After I read this article I decide to buy this book thank you for sharing this.

    • You’re very welcome and thanks so much for giving it a try! I appreciate that. If you have the time, feel free to let me know what you think when you’re done. I had a lot of fun writing it and am always curious to see if it was much fun for people on the other end. 🙂

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