Medieval Weapons – hand cannons and things you can’t pronounce Medieval weapons were plentiful and go beyond your garden variety knightly sword. I do profess an undying love for them all. Over time, I’ve accumulated quite a lot of reference…
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Druid tools are items of mysterious purpose both to our modern understanding and to non-Druids in the past. Since the actual Druids never documented their practices, it’s tough to know the real or exact purpose for some of the Druid…
Leave a CommentMedieval Weapons – beyond the sword, lance, and crossbow Medieval weapons were plentiful and go beyond your garden variety knightly sword. I love them all. Over time, I’ve accumulated quite a lot of reference material about these weapons that I…
Leave a CommentMedieval Weapons – more than swords for fantasy writing Medieval weapons and those that evolved from them are more plentiful than you might be aware. When writing fantasy and historical fantasy stories, in our often fascination with swords, it’s easy…
Leave a CommentDruid Tools – The Druid Cord The Druid Cord is another one of those tools we don’t hear about very often. While still a tool Druids use now and in the past, it’s not as fascinating or mysterious as the…
Leave a CommentDruid Tools – the Sickle The sickle is another interesting Druid tool. Interesting to me anyway, in that, like so many Druid tools, its use could be either literal or up for interpretation. Luckily, Druidry is a very particular type…
Leave a CommentDruid Tools – the Druid Egg The Druid egg is probably one of my most favourite things of all time. Not only as a tool, but just in general. I have a few stone and crystal eggs and wish I…
Leave a CommentDruid tools continue to have value in the modern world. Though they remain a mystery for most, modern Druids use these personal tools to help focus their energy. This makes them powerful aids. Beyond the entertainment value of it in…
1 CommentDruid tools continue to fascinate us in the modern day. And why not? Most of them are mysterious-seeming compared with the tools we use now. And there’s that whole mystique about nothing ever being written down about how to use…
1 CommentDruid Tools – Wand Basics A wand is a very personal tool used by an individual and so special that no one but the owner should touch it. The wand itself contains no power, though. All the power resides within…
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